Make money

Top 3 ways to make money during COVID-19…

What’s up NewGen family! Man I don’t even know where to start, this whole entire year has just been crazy beyond comprehension. In my personal opinion biblical. Rumors of wars, the passing of Kobe Bryant (Rest in peace), COVID-19, and now a damn race war… Man I think it’s safe to say we need the remote from Adam Sandler and click to 2021! Never the less, today we’re here to talk about the top 3 ways to create income right now during this pandemic. Since millions on millions of people have lost their jobs and now collecting unemployment, making money right now is definitely more challenging now more than ever. With that being said let’s go ahead and dive right into today’s blog topic.



Now I’m starting off with this one is because we are in a time now where the shift is happening. Two years ago along my journey of learning dropshipping and going through the phases of creating, failing and doing over again, one thing that kept me going is that I knew that major department stores are going out of business and its due to people are shopping online. Stores like Toys R us, JC Penny, Sears, etc… are seeing their revelation of their companies, that was two years ago. Now, 2020 with the pandemic has pretty much headshot all of these businesses and many more. With majority of the world still under quarantine, everyone is on the internet now more than ever. More people on the internet means more online shopping.

Between 2020 to 2025, E-com/Dropshipping will dominate because, department stores are dying (or at least on life support). So what are the steps of building my first E-com/dropshipping store? Well it’s simple:

  • Find a product
  • Create an online store around the product
  •  Create/run ads to your store
  •  Start generating sales

Now of course there’s WAY more that goes into it, but this is just the basis of it. I personally recommend using Shopify when you’re creating your store, because it’s beginner friendly and they give you different tips and tricks to create and achieve your first successful E-commerce website. Right now they’re having a 14-day free so I highly recommend hoping on this opportunity especially at it’s beginning stages. Click here to get started! For more info on E-commerce/dropshipping check out my post, “Key tips you need to know when starting a Shopify store…” for more in-depth explanation.


Social Media Marketing Agency:

Now this is for the people who don’t necessarily want to deal with the responsibilities of running an E-commerce brand/dropshipping branded store. A lot of these physical businesses such as restaurants, dental offices, etc… the owners of those businesses for the most part are leaving a huge chunk of money on the table simply because they don’t know how to take advantage of the internet (Or in all honesty are just too f***king lazy to learn) that’s where you come in!

So what exactly do you do to get started? Well first learn how to market. My personal advice, take 2-3 weeks aside and actually learn Facebook ads/Google AdWords because that is the most crucial part of being able to do this. What exactly will you be doing? As a social media marketer, you’ll be creating/taking over the client’s social medias for their business and you will be running ads and you’ll be bringing traffic (potential customers) towards their business which will put more money in their pockets.

The more clients you take on and provide good results, the more money you’ll make. Now how do you get paid from doing this and do you have to use your own money? In the beginning you want to provide value ( a test run) to your client and show them that you’re worth the extra investment. You know when you’re in the mall and you walk past the food court and you got the people handing out free samples of their food. Well it’s the same concept. Give them a taste and if they like, you can write up a contract and they’ll give you a budget to utilize to grow their business. You can easily make an extra $1,500-$3,000 a month per client. Imagine having 4-5 clients paying you $1,500 a month, you do the math. For more info about SMMA check out this video by Kevin David for a more in-depth overview.


Print on Demand:

Now this is a unique take on making money online because, this isn’t talked about too much.  For all of my creatives out there this opportunity and the time we’re in right now is GOLDEN! Especially with COVID-19 most shipping times for online businesses are extremely pushed back and may be a good minute before they go back to normal. So what exactly is P.O.D ? It’s pretty much similar to dropshipping, but instead of already made products, you’re creating the designs. That’s right, YOU!

Clothing, accessories, phone cases, necklaces, etc… you’ll be creating the designs via photoshop. Afterwards, the fulfillment center manufactures it and sends it to your customers. Fun fact, my clothing line (01 Vision) started off as an P.O.D but will very soon become an actual clothing retailer. So what’s a good P.O.D company to go through? Me personally I use Printful. Very reliable, tons of different items to customize, fast shipping, great customer service, been using them now for 2+ years now.

Now how would you market this? I actually recommend using Instagram influencers, but of course do a lot of research on Instagram influencers before reaching out to them and utilizing their platform. They’re essentially cheaper then using Facebook ads if done right. $100 on the right IG influencer can bring in mad weight and build data so when you start using Facebook ads, you already have a head start.


In conclusion…

We are only 6 months into 2020 and as you can see a lot can happen in a mere 6 months. This pandemic will either do two things to you and that’s either make you more lazier than you already were or bring out that inner hustler in you. With all the bars, malls, clubs, etc… closed, you literally have nothing but time to invest in yourself and be a better version of yourself by the time this pandemic passes. Getcha ass up and get at it, no excuses! Y’all stay safe out here, especially if you’re protesting in the streets. Much love! New blogs coming this week.

Make money, Motivational

How to start making money when you’re broke…

So in the past couple weeks I’ve seen soo much complaining from people. “I hate my damn job!”, “I can’t make any real money” or even “I wish somebody would give me money”. It’s like people now a days are scared to put in some work and everybody wants the easy way to acheieve wealth, but there’s a saying. “Everybody wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.” If you want to achieve financial freedom, you have to put in work for a period of time in order to set yourself ahead. So today, this is going to be more of an advice blog of how you can start building your money up even if you’re broke. Now if you’re at rock bottom in terms of finances there is good news for you… You can only go up from this point.


Step 1: Get a job

When you have no money, but want to start a business the smart thing to do is to get you a source of active income to take care of your bills and needs first. Now some people will see this and be like “Well I can’t get a job because–” save the excuses. I don’t care if you even gotta flip burgers at Mcdonalds, get yourself a job. Doesn’t matter the circumstances. Keep in mind, someone in your same exact situation has lived and conqured the obsticals you’re currently going through right now.

Stack up some money for a couple of months, me personally I say around 3-6 months to give you a decent amount. During that time you should be studying ways to invest in a secondary income to suppliment with your current income. Now during this phase you’re going to make a lot of sacrifices in this time. You’re going to have to push yourself because, this will be one of the periods that will test you the hardest. Now remember, a job is only temporary, you were not ment to stay there forever. Unfortantely a lot of people get comfortable in this step and never end up leveling up. Don’t be that person.


Step 2: Invest in a side/passive income

Now this is your second phase for leveling up when coming out of rock bottom financially. At this point you’ve stacked up some cash and you’ve done research on different passive income opportunities such as affiliate marketing, e-com, social media marketing, etc… If you don’t know what either of these things are I’ll give you a mini overall example of what each one is.

So affiliate marketing is pretty much you advertise an already established brand, product or service. You connect the brand/service/product and the consumer together and if the consumer buys said product/service/etc… Then you get a commission. With E-com you’re creating a store, customers buy products and you’ll utilize their money to buy the product from it’s supplier and you keep the profits. So say if I charge a phone case for $29.99 but it only cost $2 to make, well that means I keep $27.99 profit per case sold. Social media marketing is pretty much running ads and managing social media accounts for businesses and companies. For more info click these other blog post I made discussing each topic.

Affiliate marketing



Now there’s actually thousands more ways to make more money online, but today we’re going to focus on the heavy hitters. Now of course you’re going to have to put in some extra time to do these, but each of these things I listed here have the power to take you out the dreaded 9-5 you always complain about and actually but you in financial freedom. Invest an hour a day in making sure you’re learning how to market as well, because if you can master marketing, you’ll never be broke, period.


Final step/conclusion: Stay focused

This is very crucial because, during your journey you’re going to be hit with many distraction and setbacks and it can definitely throw off your focus and make you want to give up. Hold yourself responsible and negate all excuses. Make the best of what you have, start small and grow from there. Look at all the successful people you seen around you, ones that made it or still going. We all gotta start from somewhere so don’t be ashamed when you see someone else living a little bit better than you. Remember competition is the thef of joy, so stay in your lane and remain focus.


The top 5 reasons why you’re not successful…

Today I’m going to hurt some feelings and give you some brutal truths that’s either going to make you realize you need to change and actually get your shit together or you’ll read this and continue on with life missing out on the one thing that could had helped you. Disclaimer… This is not for the weak of heart, if you can’t handle raw truth being thrown at you instead of pretty little lies… DO NOT continue on from this point… Thank you.


 1. You don’t have the correct mindset

The reason why I preach soo much about mindset is because, in order to obtain success(what ever success means to you)you have to first already be successful mentally. Your mental connects to your physical so if you think of success it will come to you. The reason why you aren’t successful is probably because you have a poor ass mindset.

You think that people who achieved success are lucky and you look down upon that. You think that you can’t reach high levels because you value yourself so little. You get jealous or envious when you see someone living their best life, living on their own terms and when you approach them instead of asking them, “Hey how did you get to this point?” You have the nerve to say, “You can’t take it with you.” or “It won’t last forever.”

You will literally bring someone else down because your poor mindset ass can’t get the f*ck up and actually chase your dreams. You feel better when the people who are doing better than you fail and you manifest in the conditions of your life instead of your decisions that put you there. Remember, broke is temporary, but poor is eternal. Which one are you?


2. You lack successful habits

This is one of the key factors that will determine if you will be successful or not. I want to ask you a couple of questions real quick. What is your daily routine? What do you do from the time you wake up till the time you go to sleep? Do you watch Tv all day? Do you be on Instagram or Facebook trying to entertain yourself all day? When you are at work do you talk about other people are your job all day?

Most of y’all in fact 99% of y’all have done this and till this day are still doing this. This is a clear sign on why you’re not successful. Take a look at someone successful, what do they do when they first wake up? They get their mind ready for the day whether it be by listening to motivational podcast, reading a book, listening to some smooth music or simply writing down what they want to get accomplished for the day. They are organized with their time for the day, they don’t give a flying f*ck about drama in fact they stay far away from it. They don’t watch a lot of television or be on social media non stop looking for validation. Most importantly, they’re attacking their goals harder and harder every single day.

They only way you will be successful is if you adopt successful habits, find a person that is a point of where you want to be and model what they do and apply that to your life. Train your brain to be great not let it be programed by a damn box. The quicker you do this the quicker success will be knocking at your door.


3. You’re scared to take risk

A wise man once told me that scared money don’t make money. Society has always told you, “take the safe route” or “you’d rather be safe than sorry”, but what’s safe about living in fear? The definition of fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous and likely to cause a threat or pain. Do you fear taking a chance to better your life? Yes taking risks can bring on unpleasant emotions, but that’s what comes with becoming successful. You have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Imagine if Steve jobs was scared, would we have Iphones? Imagine if Elon Musk was scared, would we have Tesla? Imagine if Jeff Bezos was scared, would we have Amazon? You get my point, what if these people would had acted in accordance with their fears instead of against it what world would we be in right now? Now yes I know not everybody has that multi-billion dollar idea, but that’s okay because you don’t need to have those ideas to still be successful.

In reality you just need to learn the right skills, by the right people in the right place. Most of us might not touch a billion, but why not touch $10,000-100,000 a month? Shit couldn’t you live your best life just at that amount? It’s all about perspective people, I don’t care what position you’re in right now, remember it’s the decisions not conditions that determine your success. Don’t be afraid to take that risk that the 1% took and the 99% didn’t take simply because they were scared and took the “Safe route”.


4. You settle/get comfortable

You probably think that just because that job pays good money and gives good benefits that you’ve hit the jackpot and you should just stay their as long as you can. The employees are cool, the boss isn’t an asshole and you’re getting a ton of hours. Although that may be cool for some people and i’m not knocking you if that works out for you, but why end your hustle there? Why stop leveling up? Is that the legacy you want to leave here when your time is up, when everything is said and done and it’s time to go home?

I was listening to Les Brown this morning and one thing he said stuck out to me like a sore thumb. He said, “when you’re in your death bed they say you have ghost around you. You have your goals, your talents & your dreams and they’re angry because, you had the power to bring them to life, but now they have to go to the grave with you”. You know what’s crazy, that’s actually a lot of people’s realities today!

God gave you limitless potenial so why limit yourself? Why settle with making someone else’s dreams come true, but not yours? I don’t care how good your job is, I don’t care how much money your parents got, I don’t even give a damn if you’ve reached financial freedom and you’re more than good, NEVER stop leveling yourself up. Keep pushing for something higher, once you’ve reached for the sky, reach for the stars and then the whole damn universe.


5. You don’t take responsiblity for your own actions

I saved the best for last and this one right here will strike some nerves. You need to humble yourself and stop thinking you know every damn thing. Admit that you’re f*cking lost. When you’ve f*cked up yo need to own it instead of blaming everybody else. Quit pointing your damn finger at everything cause when you point remember four fingers are always pointing back you.

Stop blaming life and that things don’t work out in your favor. Yes shit happens, that doesn’t mean you have to dwell in the manure. You want to know why you’re broke? Is because YOU don’t know how to manage money. You want to know why you’re fat? Is because YOU eat too damn much and haven’t been exercising. You want to know why you’re depressed? Is because YOU keep manifesting on whats keeping you down instead of whats bringing you up.

There’s a reason why you could put two people in the exact same situtation and one will come out victorious and the other a massive failure is because the desicions they’ve made and the mistakes they either took full responsibility or blamed society. Life is not fair, period. That doesn’t mean you have to let it stop you from breaking free and achieving your goals. Only the successful understand this and if you don’t well… You see why you’re unsuccessful.


In conclusion…

YOU are the deciding factor of your life. Wether you succeed or fail is strictly all on you. If you can control it, you can change it. Things happen sometimes that’s out of our control, but it doesn’t happen as often as people make it out to be. Success isn’t given it’s earned. So you’re either going to wisen the f*ck up and change your life for the better or you’re going to stay exactly where you’re at and what ever the outcome will be on…





What are you willing to do for your dreams?

That’s the question of the day. What exactly are you willing to do for your dreams to come true? What are you doing every single day that can help you move closer to yout dreams? How are you willing to excute your dream? Or… Have you already given up on your dream?

I’m going in a little bit of a different direction today with this message. I don’t know who exactly needed to see this, but YOU have a dream as big as the universe and you over here sitting on your ass, watching tv, worrying about the wrong damn thing! We get 1 life people. Life is way too short & it’s very unfair. Think about it, people that knew they had a God given gift, vision, or talent pursued it, but unfortunaly their life was taken away from them. You have people on their death beds breathing their last bit of breath and they’re more than regretful, because they knew they wanted to do something greater, but they didn’t take advantage of their time and opportunities and now their time is up.

Wake up and realize that time is of the essence. Doesn’t matter if you’re young or old reading this, while you still have time left get your ass up and go attack your dreams full force. I get it, we all have situations, we all are born into different settings, we all have mountains we have to climb. At the end of the day though, the people who want to see their success will do above and beyond regardless of what they’re going through.

Little story about myself, I’m a 21 year old & I was born in Arlington, Tx. I moved back in forth from Arlington and FortWorth(Eastwood, the hood). Now I’m not going to sit here and say we were poor as f*ck and living on the street because that wasn’t the case, but we did struggle a lot. We got through every situtaion takes to the almighty God, to him be the glory. When I got older I did realize that I wanted more out of life. I wanted to see my mom retired and happy as ever, I wanted to travel the world and live where ever I wanted to, I wanted to have multiple streams of income that way I’d have endless cashflow and I wouldn’t have to worry about bills or any financial burden that came my way.

I’ve always been a dreamer and till this day, I’m still attacking my dreams and at full speed, because I see a better life at the end of the road. I know a lot of y’all are in this similar situation and you’re probably thinking that this shit isn’t worth it or you don’t know which direction to go in life. I’m here to tell you, what ever you are dreaming about, vacations, taveling, love, fitness, money, etc… YOU WILL GET IT! It starts with you though, don’t wait for permission to pursue whats going to benefit you and the long run.

Remember, success is subjective. So what ever success means to you, put in the work and manifest in your dreams and you will recieve it. Stop giving yourself excuses on why shit ain’t popping off for you yet. Take responsiblity for yourself and own up to the fact that you want to be better, but you aren’t putting in enough action to cause your reaction. Most people today in this society are soo damn quick to just put the blame on everything and everybody on why they haven’t made it or why success hasn’t hit them yet, but neglect the fact that what ever you point the finger to, three are pointing back at you.

Then people say shit like, “Oh that was meant to happen.” to justify them not putting in the work and time. I understand, things happen sometimes that’s out of our control(I can definietly speak on this one cause it happens to me a lot)and there’s nothing we can do about it, however the things we can control like what we watch, what we consume and how we spend our time on things that don’t matter, that’s something we can definietly control.

For all of my people who are serious about accomplishing their dreams, I want you to do something… write down your dreams(whatever you’re thinking abour)on a piece of paper and hang it up. Hang it up somewhere high to where you can see it every single day. Everyone has dreams, but once you write them down on paper they are now goals. You’ve turned a thought into a reality when you’ve done this. Speak over your dreams as well, manifest in your dreams, talk as if you’re already that person you wanted to be.

Most people will probably see this, ignore it and go back to their job that they ever so hate & keep all that poteinal on the plate. You know they say that the graveyard is the richest place ever. Why? Because bury down their are new inventions, cures for incurable diseases, actors and singers we never gotten to see, so much wasted gifts… Gone. Don’t let that be you. I don’t care if I’m just talking to one person right now, like Tupac Shakur said, “I’m not gonna say I’m gonna change the world, but I guarantee you I will spark the brain that will change it.”

I don’t care what society tells you, your friends or family tell you or anything for that matter. Are you willing to go full in on your dreams? They’re no such thing as a plan B. You’re either in it 100% or you’re not at all. You will stay up some nights, you will have to cut off people and yes your circle will get small. You will face challeneges that will test your character. Life will fight you with eveything it has, and no it won’t be easy at all. So to you I ask again… What are you willing to do for your dreams?


How to structure your Ad copy when promoting your affiliate product…

You’ve made it! You’ve found out what you’re gonna promote and you’ve already set up your sales funnel so that your lead/potential customer can navigate through and make a potential sale. But you’ve hit a big ass roadblock… You don’t know how to create the right ad copy that way people are even interested in seeing what you’re offering. Or you could be the person that is doing ad copy, but you’re not getting any traffic to your funnel, because what ever you are saying is turning people the hell away.

No worries though, today I’m going to help you construct your ad copy that way more people will be interested. People being interetsed equals more clicks, more clicks equals more leads, more leads mean more sales. Are you following? I hope so because I’m not repeating myself.

Now when you are getting ready to start creating a ad you need to keep in mind theses few things:

  • Subject
  • Body/sales text
  • Link(Call to action)

I call these the “ACT”(Ad copy trinity). You have to make sure that you are correctly hitting these three components in order or your ad will fail. I’ll go over each component and then give you an example when I’m done explaining.



Now your subject component is obvious, what are you selling? What niche is it in? The most important question though is this, is it the right audience I’m marketing to? That will make the big difference, if you’re not marketing in the right audience it doesn’t matter how good the copy is you won’t get any leads or sales.

With subject you have to include the X amount of money and the Y amount of time. The structure will look like this; How to(X amount of money)using(Y amount of time). An actual example; “How to generate $3,000 dollars using a proven copy and paste method in 30 days…”.

Using that exact subject structure will get the attention of the audience you are trying to reel in to see your offer/service. Remember as I stated in the previous blog that it’s very important to use the right type of words to subconsiously grab their focus and peak their interest enough to click on your link and go to your sales funnel.


Body/Sales text

Now we’re in the cake icing of this lesson. This will be the no or go of your ad if done correctly. Your sales text is super important, you don’t want it to be super long, because that will decrease in fact cut in half the amount of leads you could have gotten. Keep it short and simple, just enough to peak their intrest in heading over to the sales funnel to opt-in your page and see your offer.

Let me repeat, you’re goal is to get them to click on your link! Here’s an example that you could use to grasps people’s attention;

“A secret has just been exposed on how to make $3,000 dollars in 30 days using this proven copy and paste method(won’t be out for long).

Click here to find out more…

See you there!


You see that? Keep in mind that you want to first make sure the your ad copy almost(not all the way completely)matches your landing page that way when people click the link and head to the funnel they won’t be surprised like shit when you said one thing, but the landing page says another.

Make sure you don’t create long ass ad copies, keep it short and straight to the point while also adding in some urgency as you see what I did up there, to give the potenial customer a feeling of hurrying up and seeing what the jazz is about.


Call to action(link)

This right here is really self-explanitory to be honest. After you tell your audience a brief telling of what you have to offer, make sure you give them a direction to follow. This will seperate the people who are geniually cuirous and the ones that just plain don’t give a flying f*ck and will continue on scrolling.

Think about, you’ve followed every other step correctly and now you have the potenial lead/customer’s interest, when you put your link in and tell them(with arrows pointing to the link I don’t know why that helps a lot more but it does so just do it and thank me later)”click here” or “go here” they will of course do it and then they we be guided to your offer.

Also to, make sure to double check that link is the right one and that it works. Test it out your self and see if it takes you to your page with no issues. That includes speed of the loading times of your funnel, because people will leave if it loads too long. Remember the average human attention span is 5 seconds. So that means don’t let your page take longer than 7-8 seconds maxium to load or they’ll leave.


In conclusion…

When you’ve put together all three components correctly and run your ad you will see a massive difference on how much traffic comes into your funnel. Remember that keeping it short, simple, and straight to the point will not only do your leads/potenial customers a favor by cutting the bullshit early and notm playing around with their time, but if your ad copy is done correctly and it perfectly aligns with your sales funnel, you will have high opt-in rates.

I tested this myself when i first started promoting in affiliate/digital marketing. I had a very long ad post describing my story and a over the top landing page. My end result for that was only a 21% opt-in rate which is TERRIBLE. My next run I followed the ACT and kept my landing page simple and striaght to the point and my opt-in rate went over double(49-50%).

Now that you have the information to do this, test it out your self and see what kind of better results you get with this method of ad copy structure. DISCLAIMER, this will only work if you are targeting the right audience!