
Are people sleeping on you? Hear me out…

What’s up NewGen family? Today I’m going on a motivational rant today because, I’ve been thinking lately and this needs to be said. So, if you’re going through your journey right now and you feel like nobody is watching or nobody truthfully cares about what you’re doing, let me tell you something… GET THE F*** OVER IT! I mean this in the most non-attacking way ever, but we gotta understand something. People will purposely look over your greatness for multiple reasons, but will still keep a close eye on everything you do.
For me a prime example, I post on social medias about my blog post/business tips and not many people read them. I post some of my clothing line and stylist fits and not many people pay it no mind. I drop gems about different topics and not many people even bat an eye towards my way, especially when its major truth bombs. Now it might sound like I’m complaining, but really I’m in a way glad I’m slept on and here’s why. Have y’all ever heard the saying “It’s not about where I’ve been, but where I’m going.”? You see I came to a point to where my destinations in the future are so BIG that I don’t even bat an eye when I only get 1 like on a post or whatever. I’ve came to a point where I’ve stopped caring about if people are watching or not and THAT’S a dangerous level of freedom.
The crazy part about this though is that even though I don’t get much engagement on my stuff, HELLA people watch everything I post. Why is that? You would think if you don’t engage in someone’s content, you wouldn’t even watch it. Right? Wrong. Let me tell y’all something. The reason why people are watching you, but not really supporting you vis-a-vii sleeping on you is because, they see your potential and they’re watching real close so WHEN you blow up, they’ll be the first ones tapping your phone talking bout, “Congrats I knew you would make it!” or some, “Hey how are you I see you doing your thing…” shut the f**** up.
Another reason why people are sleeping your potential, and a lot of people don’t understand so I’m going to be extremely blunt on this next reason so pay attention real quick. Another reason why people are sleeping on you is because, it’s YOU! Because you are who you are contributes to the reason why people aren’t giving much of two shits on what you’re doing. Think about it, there’s someone out there who came from the same place you came from. Grew up the same way you grew up. Hanged around the same people you hung around, yet you’re the one going up in life. A lot of people can’t handle that fact so that’s why they make sure they don’t contribute to anything that puts you towards the path of success. That’s just how it is.
Now I’m not gonna lie, sometimes it is disappointing when you’ve put a lot of work into your passion whether it be your music, business, fashion, etc… and you’re so excited about it and you’re twice as excited to show people and the response if any is extremely underwhelming. Trust me it does hurt sometime, however you need to understand that when you keep going and you keep investing inside that passion that one day it will pay off. Remember we live in the age of social media (still in the beginning ages) all it takes is 1 business, 1 design, 1 song, it just takes 1 to take off and BOOM all of your work that you’ve been putting in will pay off and the people who were watching, but not supporting it’ll be a salty day for them. It could take months, years, etc… doesn’t matter. You have to be able to put in the work in private (even when you’re not getting credit for it now) so you can be rewarded in public.
Now I will say one thing and this might hurt a few people’s egos, but I want to be upfront and blunt as possible that way we all have an understanding. People have their own lives to look after and truth be told no one’s day is going to ever start like “I wonder how so and so is doing on their journey” truth be told most people don’t give a motherf**** about what you got going on and that’s just real. The world DOES NOT revolve around you and how you wish people gave your work attention truth be told, people don’t care until AFTER you make it. That’s just how most humans function. You may have 2-3 people truly be interested in what you got going on, but most people will not give a damn. ONCE you’ve understand that, the amount of freedom you have becomes unreal.

Make sure what ever it is that you’re doing, that you’re doing it because you genuinely love the thing that you’re investing your time into. I love giving game about business tips, fashion, music, etc… If you don’t do what you love for the free or when no one is looking right now then when people sleep on your vision you will fold it’s just what it is. With that being said NewGen family, if you’re reading this right now it’s because you feel like you’ve been slept on and you might be on the verge of just saying, “F*** everything” but, I’m here to tell you to keep pushing and hit the gas on they ass. At the end and when it’s all said and done, people WILL regret not giving you the time of day and supporting when you were grinding and now that you’re out of reach, even if they don’t outwardly say it, it’ll screw with them on the inside. With that being said NewGen family I hope you have a great day today and tackle any obstacles in your way. You’re almost there! Take care.

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