
The power of your mind and how to utilize it…

What’s up NewGen family! I hope y’all are having a great weekend so far and that you had fun this holiday. Today I want to come to y’all with a thinker today. This upcoming week I’ll be dropping more gems on different ways and different methods on how to run your online business, but today is going to more of a personal message I would like to share to you, because I have a strong feeling someone needs to see this. So without further a due, let’s go ahead and begin…


The power of your mind and how to utilize it…

Since the beginning of time when God created the earth and created men & women, we were given one power tool that literally controls our entire body. That is your brain. Fast forward thousands of years later and we are at a time to where we still don’t know how to fully utilize the power of our brain. Scientist say that we as humans use only 10% of our brain power, but in all honesty I think that the average person doesn’t even use 3-5% of their brain.

People we need to realize the weapon our skulls are protecting. Think about it for one second, a person’s thought is why we have buildings, why we have the internet, why we have automobiles, etc… The power of a thought can go deeper than we can actually comprehend. However, we live in a society that tries to control the way you think. Everything down to what you wear, how you talk, what president you should vote for, and many more things. Your mental connects to your physical so what ever you mentally think of yourself, you will physically act out. This is why it’s important to realize and take caution to the things you allow to come inside of your mind.

Let me tell you how powerful your mind is. The fact that you can physically lock somebody up, take away their freedom and by the time it’s time for them to come out they’re either more at peace with themselves or seem more lively and want to change their life (I’m not saying that’s the case all the time but hear me out). Why is that? Well lets go a bit deeper. I was reading some info about the Willy Lynch letter: The making of a slave by Dr.Kwabena Ashanti and what I was reading was about how the plantation owners couldn’t get their slaves to pretty much behave and/or do what owner said. It came to a point where they would have to bring in Willy Lynch (a plantation owner himself) to show them they ways of how to control their slave, increase labor and make more profits.

One of the key points the letter was talking about was how to break the slave mentally in order to not only control them physically, but to only trust them (the plantation owner) and not their own. Now you’re probably thinking, “why in the hell is he bringing this up?” well the whole gist of the point is this. That your brain is so powerful that in order for someone to control you physically, they would first have to get to you mentally. Your body can be locked up, but one thing they can never take is your mind and once you’ve realized that you’ve reached a dangerous level of freedom.

Your thoughts have power as well. A shit ton of power to be exact and that can be a good or a bad thing. You can literally think yourself into sickness. Depression, a mental disease. Key word “Mental”, you see what ends up happening is that you dwell on a traumatic event so deeply that you implant those negative thoughts which manifest into energies that damn near take you out in your nerve system and your nerves are what actually sends waves to your brain which controls your body which now starts manifesting physically. You can literally think yourself to death. Sounds crazy I know.

So how do you actually start utilizing your brain correctly? Well for one you can start by getting rid of all drama, gossip, news, etc… anything that is bringing negativity into your life. Did you know that 95% of our thoughts ain’t even our thoughts? The majority of what we think about stems from other shit we either see on social media, see on the news, or heard from a family, co-worker, friends, etc… so the first step is to filter all of the bs. The next step is actually feed your brain with things that will actually help you grow. When you first wake up in the morning the first 20 minutes, your brain is at it’s most vulnerable state. Meaning whatever you take in the first 20 minutes will greatly effect how your day is going to play out. So stay away from your phone, don’t turn on the tv and watch the news, instead read your word, listen to motivational tapes, hell even music will be a better alternative. Anything to get the positive juices flowing in your minds most vulnerable state.

Also, your brain needs to rest. Start by doing meditation in your daily routine, at least 10-15 minutes when your first starting off. What happens to your brain is that when you meditate you actually allow your brain to rest. Did you know that even when you’re still asleep your mind is still active? Now imagine your brain gets no rest and constantly gets fed negativity every single day… It’s a lot of f***king work for the mind. Here’s a key tip, when you’re meditating, don’t focus on getting rid of your thoughts. Allow your mind to focus on one thing specifically. Whether it be your breathing, the sound of water (me personally I meditate to the sounds of a fan) and focus on that for the duration of the time. In the beginning will be a challenge, but you’ll get better at it the more you do it.

Lastly, start giving yourself things to do and accomplish. Set goals, create strategies and follow your path. Give your brain something to actually do and watch how productive you will become. Look life isn’t fair and there’s many cards we get dealt with that’s out of our control and not in our favor. However, if we can control the way we think and start putting energy into things we can control and we can fix, we’ll start seeing great improvements over time in our lives and hey some of y’all may be in a situation of higher greatness just because of it. That’s all I wanted to share with y’all today. Take care.


Are people sleeping on you? Hear me out…

What’s up NewGen family? Today I’m going on a motivational rant today because, I’ve been thinking lately and this needs to be said. So, if you’re going through your journey right now and you feel like nobody is watching or nobody truthfully cares about what you’re doing, let me tell you something… GET THE F*** OVER IT! I mean this in the most non-attacking way ever, but we gotta understand something. People will purposely look over your greatness for multiple reasons, but will still keep a close eye on everything you do.
For me a prime example, I post on social medias about my blog post/business tips and not many people read them. I post some of my clothing line and stylist fits and not many people pay it no mind. I drop gems about different topics and not many people even bat an eye towards my way, especially when its major truth bombs. Now it might sound like I’m complaining, but really I’m in a way glad I’m slept on and here’s why. Have y’all ever heard the saying “It’s not about where I’ve been, but where I’m going.”? You see I came to a point to where my destinations in the future are so BIG that I don’t even bat an eye when I only get 1 like on a post or whatever. I’ve came to a point where I’ve stopped caring about if people are watching or not and THAT’S a dangerous level of freedom.
The crazy part about this though is that even though I don’t get much engagement on my stuff, HELLA people watch everything I post. Why is that? You would think if you don’t engage in someone’s content, you wouldn’t even watch it. Right? Wrong. Let me tell y’all something. The reason why people are watching you, but not really supporting you vis-a-vii sleeping on you is because, they see your potential and they’re watching real close so WHEN you blow up, they’ll be the first ones tapping your phone talking bout, “Congrats I knew you would make it!” or some, “Hey how are you I see you doing your thing…” shut the f**** up.
Another reason why people are sleeping your potential, and a lot of people don’t understand so I’m going to be extremely blunt on this next reason so pay attention real quick. Another reason why people are sleeping on you is because, it’s YOU! Because you are who you are contributes to the reason why people aren’t giving much of two shits on what you’re doing. Think about it, there’s someone out there who came from the same place you came from. Grew up the same way you grew up. Hanged around the same people you hung around, yet you’re the one going up in life. A lot of people can’t handle that fact so that’s why they make sure they don’t contribute to anything that puts you towards the path of success. That’s just how it is.
Now I’m not gonna lie, sometimes it is disappointing when you’ve put a lot of work into your passion whether it be your music, business, fashion, etc… and you’re so excited about it and you’re twice as excited to show people and the response if any is extremely underwhelming. Trust me it does hurt sometime, however you need to understand that when you keep going and you keep investing inside that passion that one day it will pay off. Remember we live in the age of social media (still in the beginning ages) all it takes is 1 business, 1 design, 1 song, it just takes 1 to take off and BOOM all of your work that you’ve been putting in will pay off and the people who were watching, but not supporting it’ll be a salty day for them. It could take months, years, etc… doesn’t matter. You have to be able to put in the work in private (even when you’re not getting credit for it now) so you can be rewarded in public.
Now I will say one thing and this might hurt a few people’s egos, but I want to be upfront and blunt as possible that way we all have an understanding. People have their own lives to look after and truth be told no one’s day is going to ever start like “I wonder how so and so is doing on their journey” truth be told most people don’t give a motherf**** about what you got going on and that’s just real. The world DOES NOT revolve around you and how you wish people gave your work attention truth be told, people don’t care until AFTER you make it. That’s just how most humans function. You may have 2-3 people truly be interested in what you got going on, but most people will not give a damn. ONCE you’ve understand that, the amount of freedom you have becomes unreal.

Make sure what ever it is that you’re doing, that you’re doing it because you genuinely love the thing that you’re investing your time into. I love giving game about business tips, fashion, music, etc… If you don’t do what you love for the free or when no one is looking right now then when people sleep on your vision you will fold it’s just what it is. With that being said NewGen family, if you’re reading this right now it’s because you feel like you’ve been slept on and you might be on the verge of just saying, “F*** everything” but, I’m here to tell you to keep pushing and hit the gas on they ass. At the end and when it’s all said and done, people WILL regret not giving you the time of day and supporting when you were grinding and now that you’re out of reach, even if they don’t outwardly say it, it’ll screw with them on the inside. With that being said NewGen family I hope you have a great day today and tackle any obstacles in your way. You’re almost there! Take care.

Make money

How do I increase my conversion rate on my Facebook ads…

What’s up NewGen family! It seems like when you’re back to getting on track your life, business, health, etc… The devil likes to bother you the most. This time it was with my health, I ended up coming in contact with COVID-19 and tested positive. The good news is that my fever and symptoms were VERY minor and I recovered in less than a week (around 4 days full recovery). Right now, I’m just quarantining so I’ll be dropping some value driven blog post this week so without further let’s go ahead and get started with today’s topic.
Today we’re gonna be talking about the main question that can take you to the next level in your online business. How can you improve your conversion rate on your Facebook ads? Well first lets go ahead and list off a couple reason why your ads aren’t converting into traffic which would convert into sales:

  • Bad ad copy
  • Non appealing content
  • Bad CTA (Call To Action)

These 3 points are the cream de crème of traffic converting on your ads. If your ad copy is way too f*cking long, most likely no one will actually want to read it. If your content whether it be a picture or a video if it’s not eye catching, the majority of people will scroll past and not even think twice about it. If you have a bad CTA or not one at all then the customers that have the attention of the post, you miss an opportunity to guide them to the next step on their journey to get to your store. So now that we’ve listed the three main causes, lets go ahead and explain how to fix all three of these things.


Bad ad copy:

When it comes to your Facebook ad you need to understand that it doesn’t matter what kind of picture you have on the post (you have some slight leeway with a video) if your ad copy is boring, has no structure or just long as hell for no reason, these things can turn the customer away from your post. So how should you structure your ad copy? lets list off a couple key points:

  •  Ask a question (Make the customer think, of course it’ll be a rhetorical question)(Another note, a statistic also works just as good.)
  •  Provide the solution (Introduce the product/service to the customer)
  •  Provide a good offer
  •  Give a CTA (Call to action)

Here’s a couple of examples of what that looks like:

ad copy template

Do you see all the points being applied here? Use this as a guide (don’t be a copycat) and structure your ads in this format. Practice also makes perfect (and paper) so take an extra 10-15 minutes aside and just practice writing ad copy so when you’re creating your official advertisement you’ll be able to flow it a lot easier. Structure is key!


Non appealing content:

Let’s be real… I see a lot of Facebook ads for Dropshipping stores, informational products, etc… and they’re trash as hell! People, it’s 2020. If you’re not using video ads to promote your product/service, YOU ARE LOSING! Now I’m not saying that pictures don’t work (golden gem right here: If you use pictures in meme formatting, it works just as well if done correctly) but, would you stop scrolling for an ad if it was a video or a photo? Majority would stop for the video.

Remember the average attention span of a human in this day and age is 5 seconds. A video can capture more around your product than a photo will ever. With that being said you need to learn how to edit videos… Nah just kidding, well sort of. I can edit videos myself, but lets be real I’d rather outsource that to a professional and if you don’t have the skills to edit your own I suggest using a professional. I recommend using Fiverr to find a video editor, I personally use ViralVideos101, they’re very professional, quick and they have the best quality videos for the best price. Tellum ya boy Ben sent ya.

Another gem is that with a video, you can literally create an audience off the people who watched the first 5-30 seconds of your video, meaning that you can run ads to people who’ve seen it, but somewhere along the video got distracted and re-coop those sales. Can’t do that with stock photos. Lastly, when you use a video, make sure the first 3-5 seconds of the video are eye catching. You can do that, along with the right ad copy and that alone will definitely increase conversions on your store.


Bad CTA (Call to action):

Now this right here is a small thing, however contributes in a massive way. You need to tell your customer what to do on your ad. I can’t tell you how many people will have either great or shitty ads with no call to action. After your potential customer watches your video and reads your ad copy, call them to an action. If you look on the ad copy examples I’ve given if you look at the bottom of the ad copy you’ll see that I tell them to click the link to reserve your product. With that being said in order for the PC to get to your store all of these points have to be utilized correctly in order to get at least 50% higher chance to get a conversion (Your store structure definitely will be the other 50% to get sales).


In conclusion…

Put all of these together and your store is looking clean/distraction free, you’re conversion rate will go through the roof. With that being said, thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far. I really want to give you a lot of value and actually help with your issues regarding your stores and ads. More blogs coming this week so be ready! Take care.






Make money

Keys tips you need when building a Shopify store…(Update)

NewGen family! I got another fire blog post for you today. Let’s go ahead and dive straight into it right away. A few months have passed since I’ve given some insight on building your first Shopify store. A lot has changed in dropshipping since then, I mean A LOT! So without further a due, let’s begin.


Store structure:

So in 2020 and on as of right now the main goal is to keep it simple. If you’re new to dropshipping I highly recommend utilizing the one product store method instead of the general store method. You want the main focus to be the product and not the niche. If you find the right product then you’ve found your niche. The structure I’m about to show you is going to pertain to the one product formula.

So lets start by picking your theme. Me personally I use the default theme “Debut” because it looks the cleanest when you’re utilizing this structure. You can also use “Jumpstart” or “Minimal” as well, but “Debut” has worked the best for me. So how should you structure your store? Look at the points:

  •  Header (Utilize the color black for the bar with white font)
  •  Image (Make sure the intro to your store stands out to customers)
  •  Featured collection
  •  Image with text (The first text should be educating the customer, a small did you know or a statistic will be perfect)
  •  Image with text (The second text should be asking a question to your customer and offering a solution)
  • Image with text (The third text should be introducing the product)
  • Image with text (The last text should be a very BRIEF description of the product)
  • Video (A brief video of the product)
  • Testimonials (Utilize the suppliers reviews)

This is how your front page should look like, a clean and straight forward page. Also another tip, eliminate all distractions. The average attention span of the human is 5 seconds (fun fact, the average attention of a gold fish is 6 seconds… Yes, we’re losing to f***king goldfish) so you really have about 3 seconds to show what your store is about.

With that being said, at the top of your store depending on what theme you’re using take out “catalog” and add “Home”, “About us”, “Track your order”, “Return center”. Everything else like refunds, shipping times, policies, etc…put them at the bottom of the store. That way your customers have to go all the way down and see your information about the product first. With this set up, it’s simple. Either buy or bounce.


Product page structure:

Now that we’ve discussed how your front page should look like lets go ahead and dive into what your product page should look like. So your product page is obviously your make or break when it comes to your converting in sales. You want to give a lot of information but in a clean, quick, and straight forward setting. Now will customers read everything on your product page? Hell nah, like I said the average customer is on a store for about 5 seconds. However, you still want to look like a professional store and still give the info just in case you get those customers who actually want to dive deep into the product.

Here’s what your structure of your product page should look like:

  •  Clean product photo (White background)
  •  Sales timer (Since most people are game’ d up on the sales timer, you want to do a different approach. I personally put a automatic discount in the ATC and I put the timer in to give the idea that you get an extra discount if you ATC before the timer ends.)
  •  Trust badges (clean, not bulky)
  •  15-30 second video of the product be used
  •  Highlights of the products (4 to 6 MAIN KEY points of the product)
  •  Product description
  •  A fun and creative Gif to add more funk to the store (I use Giphy)
  •  Product reviews (This is CRUCIAL. 300+ reviews or more to give more authenticity, if your product doesn’t have 300 positive reviews then pick a new damn product. Also the more reviews with pictures the better.)

Shopify screenshot

This is one of my new stores I utilized this formula I came up with and ran ads to it and these were my results the first day. Now yes, the type of traffic you run towards your store will play a roll in determining your converting percentage, but at least you will have the store game on lock. There’s people paying hundreds, thousands of dollars to have a fancy ass store created and get no sales! Crazy right? F***king dummies. I’m only kidding… Or am I? You decide.


In conclusion…

Utilizing this formula will help you create a quick and clean store that’s right to the point that way you have the full attention of the customer. With that being said give this formula a try for your self and see if your conversion rate goes up. Now like I said it takes more even outside the store to convert genuine sales so with that being said I will be dropping an update on how to utilize Facebook ads this weekend and on top of that next week I will be giving game on how to structure your ad copy, offer, and call to action to complete your whole business to see a lot more sales, so be ready. Till then, deuces!



Make money

Top 3 ways to make money during COVID-19…

What’s up NewGen family! Man I don’t even know where to start, this whole entire year has just been crazy beyond comprehension. In my personal opinion biblical. Rumors of wars, the passing of Kobe Bryant (Rest in peace), COVID-19, and now a damn race war… Man I think it’s safe to say we need the remote from Adam Sandler and click to 2021! Never the less, today we’re here to talk about the top 3 ways to create income right now during this pandemic. Since millions on millions of people have lost their jobs and now collecting unemployment, making money right now is definitely more challenging now more than ever. With that being said let’s go ahead and dive right into today’s blog topic.



Now I’m starting off with this one is because we are in a time now where the shift is happening. Two years ago along my journey of learning dropshipping and going through the phases of creating, failing and doing over again, one thing that kept me going is that I knew that major department stores are going out of business and its due to people are shopping online. Stores like Toys R us, JC Penny, Sears, etc… are seeing their revelation of their companies, that was two years ago. Now, 2020 with the pandemic has pretty much headshot all of these businesses and many more. With majority of the world still under quarantine, everyone is on the internet now more than ever. More people on the internet means more online shopping.

Between 2020 to 2025, E-com/Dropshipping will dominate because, department stores are dying (or at least on life support). So what are the steps of building my first E-com/dropshipping store? Well it’s simple:

  • Find a product
  • Create an online store around the product
  •  Create/run ads to your store
  •  Start generating sales

Now of course there’s WAY more that goes into it, but this is just the basis of it. I personally recommend using Shopify when you’re creating your store, because it’s beginner friendly and they give you different tips and tricks to create and achieve your first successful E-commerce website. Right now they’re having a 14-day free so I highly recommend hoping on this opportunity especially at it’s beginning stages. Click here to get started! For more info on E-commerce/dropshipping check out my post, “Key tips you need to know when starting a Shopify store…” for more in-depth explanation.


Social Media Marketing Agency:

Now this is for the people who don’t necessarily want to deal with the responsibilities of running an E-commerce brand/dropshipping branded store. A lot of these physical businesses such as restaurants, dental offices, etc… the owners of those businesses for the most part are leaving a huge chunk of money on the table simply because they don’t know how to take advantage of the internet (Or in all honesty are just too f***king lazy to learn) that’s where you come in!

So what exactly do you do to get started? Well first learn how to market. My personal advice, take 2-3 weeks aside and actually learn Facebook ads/Google AdWords because that is the most crucial part of being able to do this. What exactly will you be doing? As a social media marketer, you’ll be creating/taking over the client’s social medias for their business and you will be running ads and you’ll be bringing traffic (potential customers) towards their business which will put more money in their pockets.

The more clients you take on and provide good results, the more money you’ll make. Now how do you get paid from doing this and do you have to use your own money? In the beginning you want to provide value ( a test run) to your client and show them that you’re worth the extra investment. You know when you’re in the mall and you walk past the food court and you got the people handing out free samples of their food. Well it’s the same concept. Give them a taste and if they like, you can write up a contract and they’ll give you a budget to utilize to grow their business. You can easily make an extra $1,500-$3,000 a month per client. Imagine having 4-5 clients paying you $1,500 a month, you do the math. For more info about SMMA check out this video by Kevin David for a more in-depth overview.


Print on Demand:

Now this is a unique take on making money online because, this isn’t talked about too much.  For all of my creatives out there this opportunity and the time we’re in right now is GOLDEN! Especially with COVID-19 most shipping times for online businesses are extremely pushed back and may be a good minute before they go back to normal. So what exactly is P.O.D ? It’s pretty much similar to dropshipping, but instead of already made products, you’re creating the designs. That’s right, YOU!

Clothing, accessories, phone cases, necklaces, etc… you’ll be creating the designs via photoshop. Afterwards, the fulfillment center manufactures it and sends it to your customers. Fun fact, my clothing line (01 Vision) started off as an P.O.D but will very soon become an actual clothing retailer. So what’s a good P.O.D company to go through? Me personally I use Printful. Very reliable, tons of different items to customize, fast shipping, great customer service, been using them now for 2+ years now.

Now how would you market this? I actually recommend using Instagram influencers, but of course do a lot of research on Instagram influencers before reaching out to them and utilizing their platform. They’re essentially cheaper then using Facebook ads if done right. $100 on the right IG influencer can bring in mad weight and build data so when you start using Facebook ads, you already have a head start.


In conclusion…

We are only 6 months into 2020 and as you can see a lot can happen in a mere 6 months. This pandemic will either do two things to you and that’s either make you more lazier than you already were or bring out that inner hustler in you. With all the bars, malls, clubs, etc… closed, you literally have nothing but time to invest in yourself and be a better version of yourself by the time this pandemic passes. Getcha ass up and get at it, no excuses! Y’all stay safe out here, especially if you’re protesting in the streets. Much love! New blogs coming this week.