Make money

How do I increase my conversion rate on my Facebook ads…

What’s up NewGen family! It seems like when you’re back to getting on track your life, business, health, etc… The devil likes to bother you the most. This time it was with my health, I ended up coming in contact with COVID-19 and tested positive. The good news is that my fever and symptoms were VERY minor and I recovered in less than a week (around 4 days full recovery). Right now, I’m just quarantining so I’ll be dropping some value driven blog post this week so without further let’s go ahead and get started with today’s topic.
Today we’re gonna be talking about the main question that can take you to the next level in your online business. How can you improve your conversion rate on your Facebook ads? Well first lets go ahead and list off a couple reason why your ads aren’t converting into traffic which would convert into sales:

  • Bad ad copy
  • Non appealing content
  • Bad CTA (Call To Action)

These 3 points are the cream de crème of traffic converting on your ads. If your ad copy is way too f*cking long, most likely no one will actually want to read it. If your content whether it be a picture or a video if it’s not eye catching, the majority of people will scroll past and not even think twice about it. If you have a bad CTA or not one at all then the customers that have the attention of the post, you miss an opportunity to guide them to the next step on their journey to get to your store. So now that we’ve listed the three main causes, lets go ahead and explain how to fix all three of these things.


Bad ad copy:

When it comes to your Facebook ad you need to understand that it doesn’t matter what kind of picture you have on the post (you have some slight leeway with a video) if your ad copy is boring, has no structure or just long as hell for no reason, these things can turn the customer away from your post. So how should you structure your ad copy? lets list off a couple key points:

  •  Ask a question (Make the customer think, of course it’ll be a rhetorical question)(Another note, a statistic also works just as good.)
  •  Provide the solution (Introduce the product/service to the customer)
  •  Provide a good offer
  •  Give a CTA (Call to action)

Here’s a couple of examples of what that looks like:

ad copy template

Do you see all the points being applied here? Use this as a guide (don’t be a copycat) and structure your ads in this format. Practice also makes perfect (and paper) so take an extra 10-15 minutes aside and just practice writing ad copy so when you’re creating your official advertisement you’ll be able to flow it a lot easier. Structure is key!


Non appealing content:

Let’s be real… I see a lot of Facebook ads for Dropshipping stores, informational products, etc… and they’re trash as hell! People, it’s 2020. If you’re not using video ads to promote your product/service, YOU ARE LOSING! Now I’m not saying that pictures don’t work (golden gem right here: If you use pictures in meme formatting, it works just as well if done correctly) but, would you stop scrolling for an ad if it was a video or a photo? Majority would stop for the video.

Remember the average attention span of a human in this day and age is 5 seconds. A video can capture more around your product than a photo will ever. With that being said you need to learn how to edit videos… Nah just kidding, well sort of. I can edit videos myself, but lets be real I’d rather outsource that to a professional and if you don’t have the skills to edit your own I suggest using a professional. I recommend using Fiverr to find a video editor, I personally use ViralVideos101, they’re very professional, quick and they have the best quality videos for the best price. Tellum ya boy Ben sent ya.

Another gem is that with a video, you can literally create an audience off the people who watched the first 5-30 seconds of your video, meaning that you can run ads to people who’ve seen it, but somewhere along the video got distracted and re-coop those sales. Can’t do that with stock photos. Lastly, when you use a video, make sure the first 3-5 seconds of the video are eye catching. You can do that, along with the right ad copy and that alone will definitely increase conversions on your store.


Bad CTA (Call to action):

Now this right here is a small thing, however contributes in a massive way. You need to tell your customer what to do on your ad. I can’t tell you how many people will have either great or shitty ads with no call to action. After your potential customer watches your video and reads your ad copy, call them to an action. If you look on the ad copy examples I’ve given if you look at the bottom of the ad copy you’ll see that I tell them to click the link to reserve your product. With that being said in order for the PC to get to your store all of these points have to be utilized correctly in order to get at least 50% higher chance to get a conversion (Your store structure definitely will be the other 50% to get sales).


In conclusion…

Put all of these together and your store is looking clean/distraction free, you’re conversion rate will go through the roof. With that being said, thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far. I really want to give you a lot of value and actually help with your issues regarding your stores and ads. More blogs coming this week so be ready! Take care.






Make money, Motivational

How to start making money when you’re broke…

So in the past couple weeks I’ve seen soo much complaining from people. “I hate my damn job!”, “I can’t make any real money” or even “I wish somebody would give me money”. It’s like people now a days are scared to put in some work and everybody wants the easy way to acheieve wealth, but there’s a saying. “Everybody wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.” If you want to achieve financial freedom, you have to put in work for a period of time in order to set yourself ahead. So today, this is going to be more of an advice blog of how you can start building your money up even if you’re broke. Now if you’re at rock bottom in terms of finances there is good news for you… You can only go up from this point.


Step 1: Get a job

When you have no money, but want to start a business the smart thing to do is to get you a source of active income to take care of your bills and needs first. Now some people will see this and be like “Well I can’t get a job because–” save the excuses. I don’t care if you even gotta flip burgers at Mcdonalds, get yourself a job. Doesn’t matter the circumstances. Keep in mind, someone in your same exact situation has lived and conqured the obsticals you’re currently going through right now.

Stack up some money for a couple of months, me personally I say around 3-6 months to give you a decent amount. During that time you should be studying ways to invest in a secondary income to suppliment with your current income. Now during this phase you’re going to make a lot of sacrifices in this time. You’re going to have to push yourself because, this will be one of the periods that will test you the hardest. Now remember, a job is only temporary, you were not ment to stay there forever. Unfortantely a lot of people get comfortable in this step and never end up leveling up. Don’t be that person.


Step 2: Invest in a side/passive income

Now this is your second phase for leveling up when coming out of rock bottom financially. At this point you’ve stacked up some cash and you’ve done research on different passive income opportunities such as affiliate marketing, e-com, social media marketing, etc… If you don’t know what either of these things are I’ll give you a mini overall example of what each one is.

So affiliate marketing is pretty much you advertise an already established brand, product or service. You connect the brand/service/product and the consumer together and if the consumer buys said product/service/etc… Then you get a commission. With E-com you’re creating a store, customers buy products and you’ll utilize their money to buy the product from it’s supplier and you keep the profits. So say if I charge a phone case for $29.99 but it only cost $2 to make, well that means I keep $27.99 profit per case sold. Social media marketing is pretty much running ads and managing social media accounts for businesses and companies. For more info click these other blog post I made discussing each topic.

Affiliate marketing



Now there’s actually thousands more ways to make more money online, but today we’re going to focus on the heavy hitters. Now of course you’re going to have to put in some extra time to do these, but each of these things I listed here have the power to take you out the dreaded 9-5 you always complain about and actually but you in financial freedom. Invest an hour a day in making sure you’re learning how to market as well, because if you can master marketing, you’ll never be broke, period.


Final step/conclusion: Stay focused

This is very crucial because, during your journey you’re going to be hit with many distraction and setbacks and it can definitely throw off your focus and make you want to give up. Hold yourself responsible and negate all excuses. Make the best of what you have, start small and grow from there. Look at all the successful people you seen around you, ones that made it or still going. We all gotta start from somewhere so don’t be ashamed when you see someone else living a little bit better than you. Remember competition is the thef of joy, so stay in your lane and remain focus.

Make money

How can I stand out from other starting online businesses?

Hey what’s up NGW family! Today’s blog isn’t going to be a long read, but I wanted to quick tips that can stand you aside from most online businesses that you’re competing in right now. So without further adue, let’s get started. So when starting a business, everyone focuses on the amount of money they’ll make or the freedom they’ll gain as they reach the level of financial freedom that not everyone in this world will reach. Although if your business doesn’t click with the audience you won’t be making any money, period. I remember reading a book called “Blue ocean strategy” by Renee Mauborgne & W. Chan Kim and the main purpose of that book was to explain how you don’t want your business in red waters. Red waters meaning copying and competing with other businesses in your field, but to be a blue ocean which means be different, unqiue, something no one has done or done right before. Today I’ll be giving you some tips to be a blue ocean instead of a red water.



In order to have a LONG lasting business you need to create a brand. Something that people will come back over and over again becoming a lifetime customer. Here’s some things you’ll need to create a brand:

  • A concept
  • A logo
  • A reason
  • A audience

A concept because it gives you an overall idea of what you what your brand to look like, this will be the concept that you’ll be putting up for years and years. A logo because it’ll give you the recongition that your audience will take you as. If you’re not much of an artist no worries, I create unique minimalisitc logos for your start up online business. For more info about my services click here and you’ll be guided to my service page. A reason because there has to be a motive/story behind every brand. People love come up stories and that’ll validate you as a business. The more people connect with your story, the more you’ll connect your business. Of course you need an audience because without traffic, you’ll have no business.



Marketing is the key and I mean the KEY to having a sucessful business for the long term. Marketing is literally the difference between having two of the same products and one selling like candy in the candy shop than not selling at all. Now remember marketing is about 50% creativity & 50% skills, so if you’re not already a seasoned marketer it’s okay I’ll hook you up on some info real quick. Now of course you don’t have to have a rocket science degree to master this skill. The main agenda is to drive traffic, grab attention.

Now there’s many factors that go into this like the following:

  • Trigger words
  • Colors
  • Videos/Pictures
  • Attention span time

And many more factors. For more info about this specific topic check out this video by Dave that’ll go more in depth about this. So as I mentioned today this isn’t going to be a long post, but I’ve been having this in my mind all day today and while it’s still fresh I wanted to share this with you to give you an idea on how to stand apart from other business, because truth be told it’s not a lot you just have to master the two giants and thats marketing and branding. I’ll be dropping a more in dept version of this post very soon so be on the look out for it! Have a blessed day.

Make money

How can I quit my job and become a boss?

Well if you want the short answer, walk in the bosses’ office and demand they make you a boss… If he/she says no, passively but aggresively quit your job in a cinematic rant and walk out. Literally… That’s it. Thanks for reading! Just kidding. Don’t go nowhere as I actually give you some ways that you can quit your job and become the boss you’ve always wanted to become. Imagine waking up knowing you no longer have to rush to get ready to get in rush hour traffic, just to hear your boss bitch about you being 2 micro-seconds late. You’re making money while you’re sleep, eating, on a date, traveling, whatever your heart desires. That’s the true American dream in my opinion, having true freedom with a coorperation.

Now that doesn’t mean that everyone is built to do this, simply because this takes a certain mindset, a certain amount of discipline, sacrifice(not blood… well maybe. Depending how far you’re trying to go… Again, just kidding.), time management, and many other factors. Most people woulf actually just prefer to work for someone as long as the job pays good and they have good benefits, they’ll be straight. But, not you. If you’re reading this right now is because you’re at a job that either:

  • A, you’re not making enough money
  • B, the people at your job are toxic
  • C, your boss is a straight asshole
  • D, you just want your time back to pursue your dreams

Now truth be told you won’t get the time you’ve spent working for the man, but you can invest that time into what I’m about to talk to you about right now. So I recommend starting a business. Period. Starting a business can give you the leverage to build some passive/residual income. Now I won’t go into deep details on why you should start one, but if you want to read more info about it go ahead and check out my blog post about “10 reasons why you should start a business“.

How can I leave my 9 to 5 and become a boss? First off, do reasearch on a business model that you’d like to do that’ll take you out of that situation. Whether it’s affiliate marketing, E-com, social media marketing, forex trading, etc… Whatever the case may be for you. Figure that out first that way you’ll know what’ll you’ll be focusing your time, energy and money on. –Wait we gotta spend money on this? Yes, you do. That’s why I said this was going to be sacrifice in building your financial freedom & that’s why most people won’t do this. Now after you’ve Identified what it is you want to start building your income stream in, secondly you’re going to want to invest a great amount of time into creating your business.

And before you ask, yes, a great amount of time. Even if you’re already working a full 40 hour week, you need to be investing at least 2-6 hours inside of your business a day(side note, make sure you tailor your business around things your gift/passion so it doesn’t feel like work and the time will be going by fast). If you’re just soo damn busy that you can’t even take at least 30 minutes to invest in your future than you need to go ahead and re-evaluate your life expeditiously. Also, a bit of life advice before I continue. If your job right now is paying your bills & keeping food on your table… DO NOT QUIT… yet. Most of these damn entreprenuers tell you, “Quit your job, take that huge risk, walk out blindly and just start walking”. Now i’m going to sit here and say that doesn’t work but, very seldomly does that actaully happen & you have to really be willing to risk it all.

There’s a difference between taking calculated risk and jumping off the twin towers hoping to land on a pillow. Hold on to the job and build your side income up until the side income becomes the main income and then ditch the 9 to 5. Now that requires a special of discipline because most people are tired like shit when they get off work, but if you do what most people wouldn’t do right now, you’ll live a life like most people can’t live. So it’s worth it at the end of the road. Now for those who are still reading at this point I’ll go into some business models you can start now from easy to hardest. Thank me later… Or now. Doesn’t matter.


Affiliate marketing: Easy

Now for those who don’t know what that is, check out my blog post “Affiliate marketing for dummies…” and it’ll go over everything you need to know about the affiliate marketing world. I recommend this as a start if you’re just new into making an online business. I’ve been using this system called legendary marketer  by Dave Sharpe and it’s by far the EASIST way to make money online. Now you have others such as Awol and Clickbanks but legendary marketer literally gives you the ad copy, emails, landing page, and has a team of highly trained coaches to guide you on your path. It’s literally a copy and paste business and works oh so devine! Start NowStart Now!

Amazon FBA: Medium

First off, can we just thank Jeff Bezos for creating one of the greatest gifts in the world, Amazon? Not only can you buy products off there you can also become a seller! Amazon FBA allows you to create a seller account in any country you want(USA, Canada, UK are highly recommended) and find hot products to sell on their platform. They’re 300million active users on amazon a day so traffic and marketing is already there, your job is to find that winning product. I recommend doing research before starting, but in a nut shell you just contact a supplier(alibaba is recommened). Have them ship the product to an Amazon fulfillment center and they will send the products to the customers while you take in profits. Only downside is that you need some bread upfront(about $2,000-$3,000) already on you to get started. However if you already have it, go for it!

Shopify: Hard(Depends on your experience with marketing):

Now shopify is a great way to start an Ecom store and longterm build your brand. Some of the biggest celebs & brands(Kylie Cosmetics, Fashion Nova, etc) are all on shopify and killing it as we speak. Shopify can be used for many different things such as:

  • Dropshipping
  • Print on Demand(shirts)
  • Branding

The list goes on. The only thing with shopify is that you’re incharge of marketing(facebook ads and instagram influencers). Finding the winning products which involves a lot of testing. Contacting reliable suppliers and making sure they’re not screwing you over. I can go all day on this, but shopify as proven to be great when it comes to handling orders, payouts, customer service, the whole 9 yards. You can literally make a 6 figure business within 1-3 months(if you’re consistent). Takes a little more work but the rewards are uncanny! If you need a logo for any of your businesses I’ll make you 2 of em in order to give your brand that unique look. Click here for more info.


Make money

How to make money online as a college kid…

So today’s blog will be targeted to all of my college kids or adults who went back to college whatever the case may be, we’ve all been through this part of life before. We all know the common scenerio, broke college kid, struggling to part for expensive ass books and supplies. Living off of Ramen noodles and hotdog slices. Driving around a beat up ass hooptie that’s about to break down on you for the 3rd damn time(better off just walking at this point). You’re probably at a point where you need to start generating some extra income for yourself because you’re literally hanging on for dear life by a financial thread and you’ve had enough.

Now what I’m going to be giving today will of course require you to invest time and have patience simply because nothing long lasting will happen over night. I forgot who said this quote but I believe it said, “It takes 10 years to become an overnight success”, but it shouldn’t even take you less than half of that time. So let me go ahead and give you some options.

Now of course if you want to make some extra money online, one of the strongest recommendations I have is to start your own online business. Reason why I say this is because, if you take the time to do the research and build one up correctly, you’ll reap great financial benefits that can honestly take you to another level. You could either do it as a side gig and keep it part-time while you focus on getting your degree or you can do it full-time and ditch the degree, either way you’ll be creating a real safety net in terms of generating income.

So I know what you’re about to say, “Man all this school work and shit I have, I don’t even have the time to do something like that!” Well, you have time to go out during the week/weekends and get f*cked up right? Priorities people. Would you rather sacrifice some fun to increase your funds or keep partying, clubbing and drinking with your bank account on negative and a paper due? Thought so. Now starting a online business can be a little itimmidating at first, especially when you have no idea what the hell you’re doing, but fret not there’s many ways to skin this cat.

I recommend to start out with Affiliate marketing when starting a online business simply because the whole model in general can be understood very quickly and applied effectively. Now you’re probably asking, “what the hell is affiliate marketing?” So, pretty much you have a company that has a product or service to offer, but they don’t know how to connect the product/service to the customer. So you as the marketer would be putting their product infront of the customer and if the customer buys the product/service from the company, you get a commission. Simple right? You don’t create no products, hire any employees, you’re just putting the product infront of the customer and that’s it.

If you decide to do this method of online business, my best advice to you especially if you don’t know much about the online world to that degree, is find a trustworthy company that will teach you the skills on how to start, grow and effectivly market your affiliate marketing business. I recommand this company I’ve been with for about 4-5 months called Legendary Marketer as they take you through trainings, pair you with coaches that have made 6-7 figures doing this and many more. For more info, click here and watch the video.

So if affiliate marketing isn’t up your alley and you’d like to do something different my next recommendation is to start a dropshipping store on Shopify. So for those who don’t know what dropshipping is, you have either already stumbled across a dropshipping store and didn’t realize it or you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years. Dropshipping is pretty much you build a store around the product you want to sell. The customer buys the product. You use the customer’s product to buy it from the actual supplier, the supplier sends the product to the customer & you keep the profit. For example let’s say I’m selling a watch. I’m selling the watch for $40 and you as the customer buy it. I take that $40 dollars and buy it from the supplier which cost about $3 dollars. The suppliers send you the watch and I profit $37 dollars. Now imagine doing this 100 times a day.

Now even though that sounds crazy good, starting a dropshipping store is a little more harder than you think. Especially now a days because there’s a lot of competition out here, but don’t let that scare you because if you do your research on products, learn how to utilize social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube to your advantage. You’ll be fine. You will have to have patience though and it’s highly recommended that you have some type of dough stacked up already before doing this as this will help cut your learning curve when putting your hand inside this business model. You do this right and the type of freedom and control you’ll have will be ludacris.

In conclusion, these are legit ways to make more money online, but I wouldn’t do this if you expect overnight success. If you think you’re going to make $10,000 your first day, I want whatever it is you’re smoking because it isn’t anything logical. Paitence will be your bestfriend and keeping it a buck 50 you will experience some failure and you’ll probably lose money in the beginning, but thats why I stress you do HEAVY research and learn from other people’s mistakes before doing this so you can avoid losing a heaping amount of money. Last little tip for before I close, take a little bit of that financial aid that you have(if you’re getting it) and use it as start up money to invest inside your business and watch how this works out for you!