
The power of your mind and how to utilize it…

What’s up NewGen family! I hope y’all are having a great weekend so far and that you had fun this holiday. Today I want to come to y’all with a thinker today. This upcoming week I’ll be dropping more gems on different ways and different methods on how to run your online business, but today is going to more of a personal message I would like to share to you, because I have a strong feeling someone needs to see this. So without further a due, let’s go ahead and begin…


The power of your mind and how to utilize it…

Since the beginning of time when God created the earth and created men & women, we were given one power tool that literally controls our entire body. That is your brain. Fast forward thousands of years later and we are at a time to where we still don’t know how to fully utilize the power of our brain. Scientist say that we as humans use only 10% of our brain power, but in all honesty I think that the average person doesn’t even use 3-5% of their brain.

People we need to realize the weapon our skulls are protecting. Think about it for one second, a person’s thought is why we have buildings, why we have the internet, why we have automobiles, etc… The power of a thought can go deeper than we can actually comprehend. However, we live in a society that tries to control the way you think. Everything down to what you wear, how you talk, what president you should vote for, and many more things. Your mental connects to your physical so what ever you mentally think of yourself, you will physically act out. This is why it’s important to realize and take caution to the things you allow to come inside of your mind.

Let me tell you how powerful your mind is. The fact that you can physically lock somebody up, take away their freedom and by the time it’s time for them to come out they’re either more at peace with themselves or seem more lively and want to change their life (I’m not saying that’s the case all the time but hear me out). Why is that? Well lets go a bit deeper. I was reading some info about the Willy Lynch letter: The making of a slave by Dr.Kwabena Ashanti and what I was reading was about how the plantation owners couldn’t get their slaves to pretty much behave and/or do what owner said. It came to a point where they would have to bring in Willy Lynch (a plantation owner himself) to show them they ways of how to control their slave, increase labor and make more profits.

One of the key points the letter was talking about was how to break the slave mentally in order to not only control them physically, but to only trust them (the plantation owner) and not their own. Now you’re probably thinking, “why in the hell is he bringing this up?” well the whole gist of the point is this. That your brain is so powerful that in order for someone to control you physically, they would first have to get to you mentally. Your body can be locked up, but one thing they can never take is your mind and once you’ve realized that you’ve reached a dangerous level of freedom.

Your thoughts have power as well. A shit ton of power to be exact and that can be a good or a bad thing. You can literally think yourself into sickness. Depression, a mental disease. Key word “Mental”, you see what ends up happening is that you dwell on a traumatic event so deeply that you implant those negative thoughts which manifest into energies that damn near take you out in your nerve system and your nerves are what actually sends waves to your brain which controls your body which now starts manifesting physically. You can literally think yourself to death. Sounds crazy I know.

So how do you actually start utilizing your brain correctly? Well for one you can start by getting rid of all drama, gossip, news, etc… anything that is bringing negativity into your life. Did you know that 95% of our thoughts ain’t even our thoughts? The majority of what we think about stems from other shit we either see on social media, see on the news, or heard from a family, co-worker, friends, etc… so the first step is to filter all of the bs. The next step is actually feed your brain with things that will actually help you grow. When you first wake up in the morning the first 20 minutes, your brain is at it’s most vulnerable state. Meaning whatever you take in the first 20 minutes will greatly effect how your day is going to play out. So stay away from your phone, don’t turn on the tv and watch the news, instead read your word, listen to motivational tapes, hell even music will be a better alternative. Anything to get the positive juices flowing in your minds most vulnerable state.

Also, your brain needs to rest. Start by doing meditation in your daily routine, at least 10-15 minutes when your first starting off. What happens to your brain is that when you meditate you actually allow your brain to rest. Did you know that even when you’re still asleep your mind is still active? Now imagine your brain gets no rest and constantly gets fed negativity every single day… It’s a lot of f***king work for the mind. Here’s a key tip, when you’re meditating, don’t focus on getting rid of your thoughts. Allow your mind to focus on one thing specifically. Whether it be your breathing, the sound of water (me personally I meditate to the sounds of a fan) and focus on that for the duration of the time. In the beginning will be a challenge, but you’ll get better at it the more you do it.

Lastly, start giving yourself things to do and accomplish. Set goals, create strategies and follow your path. Give your brain something to actually do and watch how productive you will become. Look life isn’t fair and there’s many cards we get dealt with that’s out of our control and not in our favor. However, if we can control the way we think and start putting energy into things we can control and we can fix, we’ll start seeing great improvements over time in our lives and hey some of y’all may be in a situation of higher greatness just because of it. That’s all I wanted to share with y’all today. Take care.

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