Make money, Motivational

My life story… How did I get to this point…

So today I’m going to getting a little personal and tell you my life story to this point as I’m 21 turning 22 in a couple of months. I’ve lived a lot of life and had many experiences that molded the person you see now. Truth be told, my education started after I dropped out of school. Life in it, itself is the best teacher and whether you take notes and past the tests it throws at you or not… Life will educate everyone, it’s up to you learn.

Let’s start things off right shall we? Starting with my name, Benjamin Immanuel Christian Clark. I know, A lot right? My mom named me with purpose as the first three of my names are biblical. “Benjamin” symbolizing the right hand of God. “Immanuel” meaning God with us. “Christian” meaning follower of christ. You can tell I grew up in a house hold that was surrounded in church.

Truth be told I wasn’t actually supposed to be here. My mom till this day calls me her “Miracle baby” because, I was supposed to die at birth. When I was being delivered the ambilical cord was wrapped around neck about three times and I was literally seconds away from leaving this planet, but thank God that wasn’t the case… I made it. Now because of that situation my mom thought I was going to grow up “special” because of some of the effects I had in my early stages of my life. I was super quiet and a little slow, but as I grew up, I pretty much did a whole 360. Seriously, you see me now I’d probably talk your ear off.

So as I grew up, we weren’t rich. We started off as most people and that’s at the bottom. We weren’t living on the streets thank God, but we did have a lot of moments we struggled. We had moments when we didn’t know how the bills would be paid, we had moments when we had to live with other family members houses if we weren’t at our own spot. There’s been times we didn’t know what we were going to eat or even have transportation. Now here’s the part where most people neglect to give the Lord thanks, because truth be told we still made it through and with flying colors. I never went hungry, I always had clothes on my back, a roof over my head and my mom always provided for me just like God provided for us.

Now as a kid, you already know I would always dream big and have big goals/hope for a future. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I knew I was going to be successful one day. I went to a lot of elementary schools in the early stages in my life, but finally I ended up at one called Crouch elementary from 4th-6th grade. Fast-forward to 2012 we were living in our own apartment, but we ended up getting evicted and forced to get out. So we ended up moving in with my Aunt and for 6 years I had to share a room with my mom because we stayed in her Den.

2014 I finally was in position to finally start working. My first job and till this day I know God was looking out for me for this, but my first job was Footlocker. Not just any Footlocker, but the best and biggest Footlocker in the southern region. As a junior in highschool, I had that job and my popularity shot up literally overnight. However, having that job made me realize how fake people were as I was only getting hit up for a discount and after a year in a half I became the “shoe guy”… You don’t want to be the shoe guy… Anyways, I met a lot of amazing people. Different races, different personalities, people from different countries. I think that help me develop my personality to adapt to anyones character. After two years and two months I finally left that job and thats where my real story begins…

So this was around the year 2016 when I quit and I was still in college. I was in my first semester in college doing my basics and my mom gave me a choice, because she really wanted to see me succeed, but money was tight around this time as I was just fresh out of a job looking for another one. She said I could either do school full-time or work full-time. As much as I wanted to pick one, at the time I was under the mindset that society tells us that a degree will make you a successful, but I knew I needed to make my own money so my mom wouldn’t work any harder than she was. So I decided to do both.

One of my friends gave me a tip for this temp service and thus begins my second job. Now I was never opposed to working for somebody because, my family are pretty much workers so it was just naturally in my blood. However… Little did I know that this job would change my mindset for the rest of my life. So I won’t disclose the name of the job, but this job was so SHIT. They threw me in the warehouse with no training, impatient co-workers, 6 day work week, 12 hour shifts on top of saturdays, we worked till the assembly plant we were in contract with closed. ON TOP OF STILL BALANCING SCHOOL! It got so bad one day, my supervisor was rushing me soo fast, I had a sharp blade in my hand and my gloves weren’t cut resistant and well… You can put 2 and 2 together.

So after two hard and crazy weeks of working their I finally decided to quit because this job was disturbing my peace. Little tip people, I don’t care how good the job pays. If your job is toxic, leave. I ended up leaving and became jobless for about three months. I wasn’t doing good in school in fact, I only passed 2 out of the 4 classes I had and I barley passed them. So throughout those three months I ended up getting involved with one of those MLM’s and I didn’t have knowledge on what that was at the time, but after working that warehouse job I wanted to become my own boss. My entreprenuer bug starting biting me hard. For the first two months of being in that company I was doing good, but in the third month. A big scandal happened in the company and I found out our “Team Leader” was scamming us. I had to pay back everybody I enrolled under me over somebody else’s fuck up and my poor judgement at the time.

So after that happen I was at a stand still. I wanted to own my own business and be my own boss, but didn’t know how and I was mad that I wasn’t making any progress in life. Fast-forward to August 2016 I was watching youtube videos and I stumbled upon this video made by Complex about this guy starting a Shopify store and making millions in three months. This is where my online business journey began. So fast-forward a little over a year later(around Decemeber 2017) I’m working at Ups after finally making the descion to dropout of college, because I wasn’t learning and the classes they offered me and took, didn’t help me at all. Ironically, they were business classes.

Anyways, I wasn’t making much money as I was working part-time and since I didn’t have seniority I couldn’t get a full 20 hours, I was only working two hours a day. However, around this time we were in a busy phase since it was the holidays. So I made a plan to use this money and invest it into my business. Now I didn’t know that this was legal but they made us work two weeks no days off. I got paid around $250 dollars and I took that and invested it into instagram influencers(four of them). I spent all of my money. Ended up with over 1400 visitors in a span of a day in a half and only got 1 sale. You can imagine how angry I was when I failed. I was crying hard and I rarely cried, but the disappointment hurt soo much. However, I took that failure and turned it into my very own print on demand streetwear business called 1Vision(site’s down right now but when I get it back up I’ll share my link).

One more year later and I’ve made some money here and there from online shopify stores, but then I happen to stumbled upon Legendary Marketer. Now before I wasn’t a big fan of affilate marketing mainly because, I didn’t have too much knowledge on it, but then I did my own research and realized this is honestly one of the easiest and cheap ways to start a online business especially when you’re a beginner. For the past 4-5 months I’ve built connections, built this blog you’re reading off of right now, built business plans to increase my income streams and increased my  marketing skills. So if you’re looking for a great affilate marketing program to get started with and need all the guidance/teachings to get you on the right track, I highly recommend you join Legendary Marketer. For more info and to get started click here and start your journey. That’s my story so far as of now people, there’s in more in my life to come so be ready for more of me opening up in the future. I want to thank you dearly if you made it this far, I truly appreciate it.


Make money

Legendary marketer, Marketer’s club… Should you invest in it…

What’s up everyone, I won’t be taking up too much of your time today, this will be a short blog post, but i’ve been wanting to ease some people’s minds about Legendary marketer and wanted to address a couple of things when it comes into making a investment inside the progam.

So for those who don’t know, Legendary Marketer is a company that teaches you the necessary skills and tips to start and grow your own online business in order to truly create a life changing amount of income for you and your family. No, this is not a MLM(multi-level marketing)scheme, this is a real business that generates you true passive/residual income if you follow the directions and apply everything you’ve learned into action.

Now something that Legendary Marketer has done that will defineitly benefit you especially if you don’t have much money upfront or any money at all in fact is that they have developed a free 15 day training where you will be doing assignments, watching videos, calling you business plan coach and discussing how to build your blueprint up and they’ll be guiding you through out your journey. Now this will only help you if you’re willing to put in some extra work and go get it, because truth be told starting any business with little to no money, is hard period. However, it can be done. To learn more info and to get started for all of my beginners, go ahead a click the link, fill out your info and get started. You’ll be greeted by the introduction video by Dave and he’ll take you on from there. Oh by the way, It’s Free to sign up so there’s no risk to you.

So lets go ahead and address the real question of this post today… Should you invest inside Legendary Marketer’s marketers club? The short and blunt answer, yes. No I’m not saying this because I’m an affiliate with them, y’all already know I only create true and quality content on this blog channel. If I wouldn’t do it personally, I wouldn’t recommend it. So the first reason why you should invest inside the program is because the amount of value you get for the price is literally impeccable. Dave Sharpe and his team have put countless hours into the marketers club to make sure you have quality amount of teachings and genuially learn from the courses and powerpoints shown to you.

Now the value price of marketer’s club is well over $3,000, however the actual price is only $30/month. Think about that, we easily spend 30/month on food, drinks, events, etc, easily. This is great for people who don’t have thousands of dollars to invest off rip for high level teachings, but still want that quality of education. Or even if you do have great amounts to spend, you would like to catch a break and invest part of that money inside the trainings and then invest the rest back into your business in order to grow it even higher, it’s literally like killing two birds with one brick.

Another reason why this would be good for you as well because, my people that already have an online business and you’ve been struggling in order to make conversions(sales) or even generating leads into your offers, they have created tatical strategies on how to excute the ability to generate hundreds of leads and converting them into sales in order for your business to grow. Also the skills you learn here are tranferable so it doesn’t matter if you’e doing Affiliate marketing, social media marketing, Ecom, etc… these skills can be used anywhere. One of the main things I always say is becareful who you learn from. It isn’t wise to learn from someone who hasn’t done or created the results they are trying to teach you.

One of the final reasons why I recommend the marketer’s club ESPECIALLY if you’re a beginner or someone with a stuggling business, is because these people that Dave shows in here such as Nathan Lucas and many other successful 6-7 figure earners is that they have the creditbility and the results to speak on the tips and stratigies they use to build their business and how you can take those tips and implement them inside your business. For more infomation click this link here and watch the video, if you want to skip the video and get straight to the courses click here and fill out the infomation. Yes, I do get a commission when you purchase this course I want to make sure I’m very upfront and clear about that.

DISCLAIMER: Legendary believes in hard work, putting in the time and effort and getting the results. This is NOT a get rich quick scheme and one thing I preach a lot is that, there isn’t such thing as “Over-night success”. So with that being said if you’re the type of person that wants things to happen quickly and you expect to make 100,000 with 2 days, I STRONGLY advice you not to purchase the program. Results do vary and everybody situation is different in terms of finances, but everybody CAN be successful at this.

Make money

How to utilize social media to grow your online business…

Quick show of hands how many of y ‘all are on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc… Everyday? Most of you would raise your hands quick as hell. Now let me ask, how many minutes do you spend on these platforms? Most likely an hour to three a day spreaded out. So with that being said why not utilize these social media outlets to generate massive income for your business?

Now I know most of my audience are more of in the order range, so you might not have a Instagram or Snapchat, but everybody has a facebook. Today I’m going to be helping you with some tips and tatics to create and grow your business online by using social media. I recommend you pay attention as I state different tatics that work for each platform starting with facebook. So without furthur adue, lets begin.


Tips for Facebook ads

Now with Facebook there’s two different ways to utilize this platform. I’ll be going over both starting with the more obvious, Facebook ads. Yes, Facebook has the biggest advertisement platfrom in terms of social media and has made thousands of business 6-7 figures a month. The only down side with facebook is that it’s not so beginner friendly especially if you don’t know how to market. There’s a lot that goes into this that you have to be willing to learn. You have to be willing to spend some money and fail a few times in order to become successful with this platform.

So of course if you want to take this route what you’ll need to do is first create a business page for your brand. To do so all you have to do is;

  • Login into your facebook
  • Go to your “Explore” tab and look for pages
  • Press “Create page”
  • Choose “Business or Brand”
  • Put in your info for your business
  • Put your logo and your timeline photo
  • Boom you have your page

Once you have that then you can create a business manager/ad account for your business so you can start paying to advertise your business. If you don’t know how to get there from your facebook just click here and create you one real quick. Once you’ve set everything up already you’ve clearned have the race.

Now when it comes to Facebook ads they’re many factors that plays into this like;

  • Pixel data
  • Looking for your audience
  • Different ad task
  • Ad copy structure
  • Stay within guidlines

And many many more. It can definetly be intimidating. But the benefit of mastering facebook is to always have millions on millions of people that are interested of what you have on sale. Also Facebook has an algorethem that pretty much tracks everything you like, watch, shown interest in, etc… and you can see that, study it and put it to good use. Might be a bit creepy that a platform has that much info on you, but I digress. Another benefit is automation.

When you grow your business up to the high levels where you’re having thousands of orders of day, you definietly want to make sure your advertisements stay on go that way you’re not constantly eyeballing them all hours of the day.  So here’s my tips for Facebook ads:

  • Do thorough research on how to use it before actually using it
  • Have a bit of money upfront($350-$750)
  • Be prepared for a slow start for a long term gain
  • Keep watch on what your pixel tracks

Here’s a couple of Youtube videos that go over how to utilize paid Facebook ads.


Tips for Facebook groups

Now this method isn’t really talked about too much simply because, this requires you to step out of your comfort zone and for you to be willing to talk to people. So this is of course a free method of getting people to your business/brand or what ever you’re promoting. What I normally do is add myself to a lot of active groups that involve the niche that I’m in.

Most groups will accept you almost immediately and others will have you answer some questions before they have you actually accepted. Now once you’re accepted you can start posting your offers, services or products you’re are selling. Now for the most part I’m going to give you the rules that most of these groups will tell you:

  • No spamming(for obvious reasons)
  • No porn(Yes, people promote and utilize porn content to advertise. F*cking weirdos)
  • No scams or get rich quick opportunties(so your offer better be legit)

Some groups have more or less rules, but these rules will pretty much apply for all of them. You can even take it a step futhur and do what I did(but this requires some thick skin) add about 5-7 people from those groups and the ones that accept you, message them and give your sales pitch. Most will say no, but remember the law of averages. The more no’s you get the more yes’s you will get. I recommend doing this not only to grow your business, but to have a connection with your customers and especially if you don ‘t have a lot of money to invest upfront in the beginning. Now I’ve spoke on the both ways to utilize facebook with free and paid methods and now it’s time jump into Instagram.


Tips for Instagram

Fun fact, Facebook actually owns Instagram so when it comes to utilizing posting paid ads for Instagram you can do through Facebook. Now since you can do that, I won’t go really into depth with paid Instagram ads, but I will go into making or turning your IG page for your business into a legit business page. So if you have a E-com business then this is especially for you.

So first create your IG for your brand than convert it into a business page. When you start posting your content make sure in the beginning you utilize hashtags so you can get some free traffic and free followers. If your business is through shopify, you can apply for shoppable tags for your post so that way when you’re promoting a certian product the customer can just tap the photo and be took straight there.

If you want to give your brand a little bit more validation you can buy followers and likes to give you that social proof look and the best website I recommend is I only recommend this if you have some extra money upfront and you want to speed up the proccess of building your fan base but, more importantly grow your business as big as possible.


In conclusion…

Now these are the main two platforms I use when I do my marketing and of course they’re other ways to bring in traffic such as Google Adwords, Snapchat, etc… but I haven’t tapped into that side yet, when I do I will do a part 2 of this series, I hope this gave you some insight on how these can help you grow your business!

Make money

How to pick the right niche when you’ve started doing affiliate marketing…

So you’ve started affiliate marketing and you’ve been wondering, “What niche should I go in to?” or ” What niche would be the most popular?”. Well today I’m going to give you my perspective and some advice on when you’re picking your first niche that you’ll be more likely become successful in. Now I preach this a lot, but if you’re in this strictly for the money, you will not have any success in this and even if you do it won’t last long.

When picking a niche you have to think about one thing and that’s what are you passionate about? What are you the most knowledgeable in? They’re three main niches that will never go away and that’s:

  • Health/fitness
  • Relationships
  • Make money

People will always want to find ways to become more healthier and learn tips on how to lose weight, People have relationship problems will be searching for a way to fix their problems or it could be the complete opposite and they’ll be looking for a way to improve their relationship or spice it up. And last but not least, people are always going to find a way to make some extra money because, a lot of people have financial problems and things they want to fix.

With that being said those top three niches will always be here no matter the test of time. Now some of y ‘all have no knowledge on any three of these topics, but what do you know? Some of y ‘all are really knowledgeable on music. Some on fashion and styling. One of my friend’s has a crazy amount of knowledge on boxing. What ever you are good at or know a lot about somebody out here will pay you for it.

Here’s an example of what I mean. So for example, outside of this blog I have a streetwear clothing line called 01Vision. I’ve always loved fashion and I’ve been knowledgeable on how to start one for a long while now. What I can do is create a landing page that says “How to create a clothing line and get your first sale within the first 30 days…” then create a 5 step free pdf or a 5 minute free video in exchange for your email. After that provide valuable content(clothing business related) towards my email list and in return anything I promote, they’ll buy. You see how easy that is? On top of already having an actual Ecom brand you’ve just created two streams of income, one based of your knowledge and the other on the actual product you sale.

So I’ve explained how to pick a niche now I’m going to go in depth on how to pick the right one that’ll suit you perfect. Now you shouldn’t pick a niche based on the amount of money you think you’ll make. Cause truth be told, there’s a niche for damn near anything and if you’re a good marketer you can damn near sell anything. Hell even the brand Supreme marketed bricks and sold out… A damn brick dawg…. A brick. Also if you pick a niche you don’t like you’ll be only forcing your self to do something that you don’t want to do and you’re not going to take it as serious as you would if you’re doing something you’re actually passionate about.

You can even pick a sub niche under a main niche. Like for example, let’s say you are passionate about lifting weights. That falls under the health and fitness niche and there’s a HUGE audience of people who are truly yearning for some valuable tips they can utilize in their own workouts and they’ll pay for it. Some people will pay big money for some advice you’re probably giving away for free now. What ever you decide to pick you should definitely make sure pick that it’s something you can roll with it for a minute. Some people will have success quicker than others. Some of y ‘all will blow up in the first month, some in six, others in a year or two or more so you have to love what you’re doing. That’s all I can give today people, something shorter yet easy advice you can utilize when choose your niche!

Make money

What to do if you’re generating leads, but getting no sales to your affiliate offer…

I know this can be very annoying especially when you’re first getting started inside affiliate marketing. You’re probably getting annoyed with spending a lot of money on ads that don’t convert and trust be it can be very tedious at times. With that being said I will give you some tips on how to convert your leads into sales or members depending on what you’re selling.

So lets first establish the fact that you know how to actually run traffic to your offer and that right there and you get a good amount of leads. You stack up leads and people keep opening up your emails, but no one is actually purchasing anything. At this point you have to ask yourself this question, “what can I do from this point and how can I start actually getting sales from this?” Well first off, if you’re doing this stictly for the money you’re going to have an extremely hard time getting your business off the ground. You should seek giving value first. Help as many of your leads as possible and see what can you do in your power to get them going.

How you do this? Simple. Step out of your comfort zone and actually contact your leads and introduce yourself. –But what if they ignore me? They will. Out of every 20 emails you send maybe 1-2 people will actually respond to you. You have to develop thick skin and just keep it pushing. In a way it’s beneficial because you’ll weed out the people who aren’t interested or just wanted to see what you were promoting. That’ll leave you with the people who are actually serious about your offer, but something could just ne holding them back.

You see my peoples, a true marketer is focused on helping people out, building relationships and providing as much value as possible. Create a relationship with your leads and provide them with as much valuable content possible in fact, when you first get started give it away for free and with time watch how fast your leads purchase things from you over and over again just because they trust your word and have a bond with you. Additionally, people tend to follow the crowd so when other people see your people learning and growing off what you’re providing, your audience and leads will only grow and mulitply. First value, then comes the money but most importantly a life long customer.

Now I know some people reading this aren’t comfortable with reaching out to people they don’t know especially over social media but, let me get real with you for a second. Scared money don’t make no money. If you’re anti-social or you’re just feel comfortable with doing that, you’re going to have over ride those feelings and just do it simply because most people won’t do any offer until they’ve had some sort of human interaction to verify that the affiliate opportunity is real. The more you reach out to people the more you’ll get comfortable with doing it and by that you’ll break your shell. You have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable in order to make it in this world.

Also be aware of what you’re promoting. Sometimes the offer you’re promoting could be too expensive especially wrong targeting. Makes no sense to promote an offer that cost $5,000 to an audience of people that are looking for a way out a 9-5 cycle. I would promote that offer to an audience of people who are already business owners because they’re more likely to purchase it than people who are stuck working 9-5s and barley keep up with their bills. Keep in mind also people can be very interested in what you’re promoting but, not have the finances off the back to engage. So if you have a free service or product that they can utilize upfront and once they grind it out and get the money up and get it they’ll end up purchasing. Basically what I’m saying is be okay with not getting on the front end but making it up in the back end of your offer.

In fact that’s what you should be focusing on is your back end offers and not really much on the front end. The front end sales are just to make up your adspend, but the back end is where the bread is going to be coming in from. So let’s recap real quick to make sure that you get it stuck in your head so you can go and apply this. First contact your leads and introduce yourself to them. If most of them ignore you(which they will)be okay with it and focus on the people who are actually interested in what you’re offering. Secondly make sure that you’re giving as much free valuable content to your list as possible so when people keep learning from you they’ll always keep coming back to you. Look at it like this, when the superhero keeps saving the civilains, when the hero falls short the cilvilains will make sure the hero gets back on their feet and is supported.

The more you’re saving people from the villianious 9-5 cycle, your civilains will keep money in your pocket so you can keep thriving in order to keep giving value. The third thing is to make sure that you’re targeting into the right audience when it comes to your offer that way you’ll have a higher chance of actually getting a sale and getting the highest amount of leads. Lastly make sure you don’t focus on the front end sales because most of your major money will be made on your back end. Keep all of this in mind and you’re going to have a higher chance to increase your conversions. The more you keep doing this and over time you’re going to become so good at marketing and it’ll be so natual when you put yourself out their. Remember the msot selfish thing you can do is help someone get out of their rought and guide them into a better future.