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Keys tips you need when building a Shopify store…(Update)

NewGen family! I got another fire blog post for you today. Let’s go ahead and dive straight into it right away. A few months have passed since I’ve given some insight on building your first Shopify store. A lot has changed in dropshipping since then, I mean A LOT! So without further a due, let’s begin.


Store structure:

So in 2020 and on as of right now the main goal is to keep it simple. If you’re new to dropshipping I highly recommend utilizing the one product store method instead of the general store method. You want the main focus to be the product and not the niche. If you find the right product then you’ve found your niche. The structure I’m about to show you is going to pertain to the one product formula.

So lets start by picking your theme. Me personally I use the default theme “Debut” because it looks the cleanest when you’re utilizing this structure. You can also use “Jumpstart” or “Minimal” as well, but “Debut” has worked the best for me. So how should you structure your store? Look at the points:

  •  Header (Utilize the color black for the bar with white font)
  •  Image (Make sure the intro to your store stands out to customers)
  •  Featured collection
  •  Image with text (The first text should be educating the customer, a small did you know or a statistic will be perfect)
  •  Image with text (The second text should be asking a question to your customer and offering a solution)
  • Image with text (The third text should be introducing the product)
  • Image with text (The last text should be a very BRIEF description of the product)
  • Video (A brief video of the product)
  • Testimonials (Utilize the suppliers reviews)

This is how your front page should look like, a clean and straight forward page. Also another tip, eliminate all distractions. The average attention span of the human is 5 seconds (fun fact, the average attention of a gold fish is 6 seconds… Yes, we’re losing to f***king goldfish) so you really have about 3 seconds to show what your store is about.

With that being said, at the top of your store depending on what theme you’re using take out “catalog” and add “Home”, “About us”, “Track your order”, “Return center”. Everything else like refunds, shipping times, policies, etc…put them at the bottom of the store. That way your customers have to go all the way down and see your information about the product first. With this set up, it’s simple. Either buy or bounce.


Product page structure:

Now that we’ve discussed how your front page should look like lets go ahead and dive into what your product page should look like. So your product page is obviously your make or break when it comes to your converting in sales. You want to give a lot of information but in a clean, quick, and straight forward setting. Now will customers read everything on your product page? Hell nah, like I said the average customer is on a store for about 5 seconds. However, you still want to look like a professional store and still give the info just in case you get those customers who actually want to dive deep into the product.

Here’s what your structure of your product page should look like:

  •  Clean product photo (White background)
  •  Sales timer (Since most people are game’ d up on the sales timer, you want to do a different approach. I personally put a automatic discount in the ATC and I put the timer in to give the idea that you get an extra discount if you ATC before the timer ends.)
  •  Trust badges (clean, not bulky)
  •  15-30 second video of the product be used
  •  Highlights of the products (4 to 6 MAIN KEY points of the product)
  •  Product description
  •  A fun and creative Gif to add more funk to the store (I use Giphy)
  •  Product reviews (This is CRUCIAL. 300+ reviews or more to give more authenticity, if your product doesn’t have 300 positive reviews then pick a new damn product. Also the more reviews with pictures the better.)

Shopify screenshot

This is one of my new stores I utilized this formula I came up with and ran ads to it and these were my results the first day. Now yes, the type of traffic you run towards your store will play a roll in determining your converting percentage, but at least you will have the store game on lock. There’s people paying hundreds, thousands of dollars to have a fancy ass store created and get no sales! Crazy right? F***king dummies. I’m only kidding… Or am I? You decide.


In conclusion…

Utilizing this formula will help you create a quick and clean store that’s right to the point that way you have the full attention of the customer. With that being said give this formula a try for your self and see if your conversion rate goes up. Now like I said it takes more even outside the store to convert genuine sales so with that being said I will be dropping an update on how to utilize Facebook ads this weekend and on top of that next week I will be giving game on how to structure your ad copy, offer, and call to action to complete your whole business to see a lot more sales, so be ready. Till then, deuces!



Make money

The Pros and Cons to shopify… Is it worth it?

Hey everyone! Today I’m stepping inside the e-com realm and giving you the pros and cons of utilizing the platform Shopify and is it worth it for you to start now. If you’re reading this is because, you’re heavliy thinking about joining the platform to create your own online business. You’re wanting to tap into the world of E-commerce and believe it’s a big ass world. Growing by the billions in terms of sales. Without further adue, let’s begin.



Shopify is trusted by over 325,000 entreprenuers (myself included) and is growing by the day. Here are some of the pros that you’ll enjoy when utilizing shopify:

  • Cheap to get started ($30/monthly subscription)
  • Beginner friendly
  • The amount of control you have
  • Thousands of apps that’ll help you run your business more effectively
  • Staff accounts (when your business gets bigger and you need VAs)
  • Small trainings the platform provides

Shopify gives you a chance to utiize the internet and gives you a platform to sell any product and recieve payment from it. Some of the most successful brands on shopify would be Kyliecosmetics, Fashionnova, MVMNT watches, and that’s just a few. These shops bring in millions of dollars a month. Now I know what you’re about to say, “Yeah but they have strong social presence.” Although that’s true, there’s thousands of other shopify brand stores bringing 6-7 figures a month. Besides, everyone starts at zero so don’t let that scare you.

Now these pros are important because, anybody just starting out in the online business world, you want to be able to set up everything without going through unecessary hills and hoops. Its as simple as setting up your store, importing your products and market traffic to your store. You also have massive control over your data information. Everything with who visited your store, people who added to their cart, abandoned carts, sales, and other key information you’ll need to keep track of your business results.

Best part about this, it’s only $29/month to get started. Now depending on the apps you download to your store (some of the apps aren’t free to use or have inside-app purchases) will determine your actual monthly price. Other than that, it’s super cheap to get started. To think all it takes now a days to start a 5-7 figure business, starts with less than $30. Man times have changed truth be told.



Now one thing we know about this world and everything in general, nothing is perfect. So with that being said here are some cons that’ll make you think about using this platform so you can double check to see if you really want to do this. So let’s go ahead and name some of these cons already:

  • Low price = High saturation
  • Limited theme customization
  • You can’t actually use the store until you’ve payed for the monthly plan
  • You’ll be spending hundreds/thousands on getting traffic
  • Low profit margins

So two of these cons aren’t really a big deal. If you have a creative taste to you, having limited theme customization isn’t a problem. Also since the store is only $29 to get started, applying for the plan isn’t a deal bigger. You can still cancel however before your 14 free trial is up and you WON’T be charged. Now lets get into the other three cons that will probably 97% of people who won’t go for this.

High saturation is definitely a big problem when using this platform (specfically if you’re doing drop-shipping) because, people think all you need to do is pay for the subscription, set up everything & just wait for the customers to start coming in. Also some of these Shopify “gurus” on youtube give a false hope to most of these people wanting to make some extra money. Promising you, you’ll be making 6 figures your first month. Not saying it’s impossible because some have done it, but those people that find success in the first month 99% of them already had the marketing experience or had the resources already or both.

You’ll be also spending a lot of cheese on promoting your products on these social media platforms such as Facebook ads, Instagram ads/influencers, Youtube, Google ads, and many more. Now my best advice for people starting this platform is for one get good at using one social media platform at a time so you’re just not throwing money in the black hole. You’re also going to fail a few times as well so if you’re not okay with losing money in the beginning to learn I highly recommend STRONGLY do NOT do this.

Now with low profit margins, this will only be a issue when you’re scailing your store into higher numbers a day. For example you might have a product that cost about .29 cents to buy but selling it for $15-$20 dollars. You might be profiting big time right now, but when you start scailing your product, your ad cost will go up which will decrease the amount of profit you’ll be making. On top of hiring a few VAs to help you run your business, you’ll be paying them as well. You’ll also be spending money on creating content for your marketing. At the end of all of that you’ll probably be profiting 20-35% maybe 40%  of your actual sales. But I mean when you’re making $100,000+ a month you wouldn’t care about those margins to be honest.


So is starting Shopify worth it?

In my opinion, yes. Shopify gives you a very flexible platform to bring your dream business online and gives you a chance to start multiple streams of income and expand your variety when comes to monetizing your ideas. If you can deal with a slow start to a long lasting path then I highly recommend you start and take that chance. However, if you’re not willing to take the cons about this platform Irecommend your try a different business model, because truth be told you won’t last long in the world E-commerce. You could try affilate marketing, social media marketing, amything else, but Shopify wouldn’t be your best bet. Just being honest.